
Showing posts from October, 2019

Best. Summer. EVER.

I had great aspirations to blog regularly and share my epic adventures with those who care to witness me nerd out about my love for outdoor experiences. Unfortunately, life just gets in the way and somehow I end up trying to squeeze too much into each day and blogging tends to fall off the list of priorities. I swear I intend to document it all because I really do enjoy sharing, plus I like to go back and look at how far I've come. Maybe some day I'll have more time or more willpower to actually sit down and do it! I guess you can say that my absence from this space indicates that I've done lots of cool stuff since then. I certainly have! I spent nine days on a hiking road trip with a friend at the beginning of summer. We hiked in six national parks (from Utah to Montana) during that time. We saw so many incredible things and I can't wait to plan my next one. It's definitely something everyone should do at least once in their lifetime. We didn't book any campg