Best. Summer. EVER.

I had great aspirations to blog regularly and share my epic adventures with those who care to witness me nerd out about my love for outdoor experiences. Unfortunately, life just gets in the way and somehow I end up trying to squeeze too much into each day and blogging tends to fall off the list of priorities. I swear I intend to document it all because I really do enjoy sharing, plus I like to go back and look at how far I've come. Maybe some day I'll have more time or more willpower to actually sit down and do it!

I guess you can say that my absence from this space indicates that I've done lots of cool stuff since then. I certainly have! I spent nine days on a hiking road trip with a friend at the beginning of summer. We hiked in six national parks (from Utah to Montana) during that time. We saw so many incredible things and I can't wait to plan my next one. It's definitely something everyone should do at least once in their lifetime. We didn't book any campgrounds, just drove and figured it out along the way. It was such an eye-opening trip for me in so many ways. I learned more about myself and what I can and cannot handle. I also stretched myself and learned how to plan less and go-with-the-flow more. In addition, I made some decisions about my future that I am really happy about. I think I just needed to take some time away from home and work to gain some clarity about what I want moving forward. It was a life-changing experience, for sure!

Within a day or two after I got back from my trip I was already itching to get in another hike. My cousin and I decided to try to tackle Upper Yosemite Falls. SPECTACULAR! It's a grueling uphill climb, but it was SO worth it!

I also ran my first 10k this summer. I did exactly ONE training run prior. Although that's probably not the brightest idea ever, it worked. I REALLY dislike running. I just signed up for this race because it looked like a good time. It was! That being said, I didn't necessarily like the whole running part but I did enjoy the overall experience. I'll do it again next year. Perhaps I'll get in a few training runs first! ha ha

In August I went on my very first backpacking trip with a group of girls. This one was also planned for several months and I obsessed about it way too much! In the end, it really wasn't nearly as difficult as I built it up to be in my mind. I had the greatest time! I mean, I did end up losing two toenails and had some massive blisters, but I finished feeling strong and confident. Plus, I learned some things about what footwear I should gravitate toward, etc. I definitely want to do that trail again. It was SO BEAUTIFUL! Next time I hope to take my daughter and anyone else who is up for it. As cliche as it always sounds, that was also life changing for me. Each of my experiences this summer has helped me to build my confidence as an athlete and as a hiker. I'm excited about continuing down that road and challenging myself to do more.

For my birthday I decided to plan another hike (shocker!). Last year it was Half Dome, but this year I had to do something a little less strenuous so that I could convince a group of people to come with me! I was pleasantly surprised that so many people showed up and had a great time. I absolutely love sharing my passion for hiking and the outdoors with others. Seeing people helping one another on the trail and discovering their own love for hiking makes me incredibly happy. If I could be so lucky as to be a hiking guide for a living I would do it in a heartbeat! Until then, I'll keep hitting the trails and welcoming anyone who is crazy enough to come with me!

What's next? Well, I'm glad you asked! :) I know I have to constantly set new goals and work toward them so that I can stay on top of my game and challenge myself. So, as luck would have it, I have been invited to take the last spot on a Mt. Whitney permit. We will be tackling that beast in just a few short weeks! I'm scared, nervous, excited, pumped, and every other emotion in between. This is going to be my biggest challenge yet and although I put in for my own permit during the lottery process I wasn't granted one so I completely did NOT plan for this to happen this year. It caught me by surprise, but I'm not one to back down to a challenge so I have been spending the last few weeks gathering gear and trying to mentally prepare for this next HUGE step. For those of you who don't know, Mt. Whitney is the highest peak in the lower 48 states. During the climb you ascend 6,000' to the peak at 14,500'! It's going to challenge me in every way possible so I'm trying to smash all my doubts and just focus on keeping my head in the game and hiking as much as possible to prepare.

This is not my photo, but I wanted to include it so that you can get a visual of what I'm preparing for!

Although I'd like to think I'll put up a blog post soon after I tackle this next challenge, my track record for timeliness in blogging says otherwise. In the meantime, I appreciate any positive thoughts, prayers, and encouragement as I get ready to face down my biggest challenge yet! I'm going in fully prepared to give it 110%, all while listening to my body so that I can make it back alive. Yes, it's that serious. Yes, I'll be careful. Yes, I know I have a family and friends who love me that I want to come home to. I'll check in with myself to identify any symptoms of altitude sickness and I'll turn around if I need to. Promise!

Funny side note: On our hike to Clouds Rest we saw some guys on the trail who were backpacking. One had the need to comment about how many women were in our group and how it's "so great" to see women out hiking. We were a little confused by the new revelation as women hiking isn't exactly a novel idea. I was tempted to ask him if he knew women could vote now too, but I didn't! Ha! Then, the guy had to take it a step further. He said his wife goes out with him all the time and then he turns and gestures to me and says that she is my size. I had a moment when I was completely shocked that he thought it was relevant to reference my size in relation to what I can do, but I had to remind myself that for many people plus size women in these arenas is a bit of a shock. 

That experience further underscores my desire to be out there doing things that people don't think I should be able to do. I love to push the limits and prove that you don't have to be a certain size to be athletic or adventurous. I consider it a privilege to do what I love and I don't let my size dictate what I can or cannot do. Further, I see myself as sort of an ambassador for those who don't fit the "average type" of what is expected. It's pretty much the story of my life. 

So, just in case someone hasn't already told you - you can absolutely do ANYTHING you want to. You do not need to prescribe to the notion that you have to arrive at some place (size, level of education, age, etc.) to accomplish something. If you dedicate yourself and are willing to work hard, the sky is the limit! So, go out there and blow the socks off of small-minded people by showing them what you can do - I DARE YOU! :) 

Happy trails!

"Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb." ~ Greg Child


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